Calcium Citrate Malate: An Effective Calcium Supplement

calcium citrate malate
calcium citrate malate

Calcium is one of the most important minerals required by our body for maintaining strong bones and teeth. However, as we age, our calcium levels begin to deplete putting us at risk of conditions like osteoporosis. Calcium citrate malate is an effective calcium supplement that can help boost calcium levels naturally.

Absorption and Bioavailability

One of the major benefits of calcium citrate malate is its high absorption and bioavailability in the body. Calcium citrate malate contains calcium bonded to citric acid and malic acid which allows for better absorption in the intestine compared to other calcium supplements like calcium carbonate.

The citric acid helps in dissolving the calcium making it readily soluble and absorbable. Studies have shown that calcium citrate malate is absorbed up to three times better than calcium carbonate. This higher absorption rate means you need to take lower doses of calcium citrate malate to meet your daily calcium requirements.

Bone Health Benefits

Calcium is one of the major minerals that forms the basic structure of our bones. It provides strength, flexibility and plays a vital role in bone remodeling and mineralization. Sufficient levels of calcium in the body are needed to build strong bones during childhood and prevent bone loss as we age.

Calcium Citrate Malate supplementation has been shown to improve bone mineral density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. One study in post-menopausal women supplemented with 1000 mg of calcium citrate malate daily for 2 years found significant increase in bone mineral density of lumbar spine and hip compared to the placebo group. Other clinical trials have also demonstrated reduced risk of bone fractures with calcium citrate malate intake.

Heart Health Support

Maintaining optimal calcium levels through diet or supplements is also important for heart health. Several studies have linked low calcium levels to higher risks of heart disease. Calcium plays an important role in regulating blood pressure and reducing hypertension risk.

One mechanism is that calcium helps relax blood vessel muscles and reduce constriction. Research suggests calcium citrate malate can help lower systolic blood pressure by 3-5 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 2-4 mmHg. This modest reduction in blood pressure over time can significantly cut heart attack and stroke risk. Calcium may also help control heart rate and regulate electrical signaling in the heart.

Role in Metabolism

Calcium is required for many other critical metabolic functions apart from bone and heart health. It plays a role in vascular contraction and dilation, proper function of enzymes and hormones, nerve signaling and muscle contractions.

Calcium also assists in energy production and fat breakdown at a cellular level. Maintaining optimal levels is necessary for metabolic health. Studies show calcium citrate malate can boost metabolism and promote weight loss when combined with a calorie controlled diet. It may suppress fat accumulation by inhibiting fatty acid synthesis and stimulating fat breakdown.

Side Effects and Safety Profile

Calcium citrate malate is generally very well-tolerated with minimal side effects when taken as recommended. Some people may experience mild constipation, nausea or abdominal discomfort, especially if high doses are consumed at once. It is best to start with lower doses and increase gradually under medical supervision.

Calcium supplementation requires monitoring kidney and parathyroid functions. Higher calcium levels can theoretically interfere with iron, zinc and magnesium absorption. However, studies reveal calcium citrate malate to have no adverse impact on nutrient status when taken appropriately along with a nutritious diet. At recommended doses, it also has no drug interactions.

Dose Guidelines

The recommended daily intake of calcium for adults is 1000 mg. Pregnant and lactating women need more calcium at around 1300 mg per day. For calcium citrate malate, the daily dosage is:

- Adults under 65 years: 500-1000 mg per day
- Adults over 65 years: 1000-1200 mg per day
- Pregnant/lactating women: 1000 mg per day

It is best to break the daily dose into 2-3 doses spread throughout the day for maximum absorption. Consult a healthcare practitioner before starting any calcium supplement, especially if you have a history of kidney stones.

Calcium citrate malate stands out as one of the most bioavailable and beneficial forms of calcium supplement available. Due to its high absorption rate and minimal side effects, it can efficiently boost calcium levels, support bone health, regulate blood pressure and promote overall wellness. When combined with a nutritious diet and active lifestyle, calcium citrate malate provides a natural way to maintain strong bones and overall health as we age.


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