Bioanalytical Testing Services - Ensuring Safety and Efficacy of Drugs

Bioanalytical Testing Services
 Bioanalytical Testing Services

With the breakthroughs achieved in fields of biotechnology, drug discovery has progressed vastly in the past few decades. New biological entities and therapies being developed require rigorous testing to ensure their safety as well as efficacy for patients. This is where bioanalytical testing services play a pivotal role in drug development process.

What are Bioanalytical Testing Services?

Bioanalytical testing refers to quantitative and qualitative evaluation of biological samples like blood, plasma, serum, urine etc. to determine the presence, concentration and properties of therapeutic agents, their metabolites as well as biomarkers. Laboratories providing such testing services have capabilities to analyze drug candidates using analytical techniques like liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS).

Bioanalytical Testing Services aid pharmaceutical and biotech companies in preclinical, clinical as well as post marketing stages of drug development by providing crucial pharmacokinetic and toxicokinetic data. The data obtained from bioanalytical methods helps in understanding absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) properties of novel molecules which further guides clinical dosage selection and design.

Why are Bioanalytical Services Important?

With growing complexity of disease conditions and biotherapeutics, importance of robust bioanalytical testing has increased manifold. Some key reasons highlighting its necessity are:

- Safety evaluation: It enables quantification of drugs and metabolites in biological samples which provides insights about toxicity, side effects and drug-drug interactions. This helps assess safety risk profile of a candidate in early stages itself.

- Pharmacokinetic studies: Through quantitative estimation of parent drug and metabolites in blood/tissue over time, it facilitates pharmacokinetic assessment which is vital for dosage optimization and selection.

- Biomarker analysis: Biomarkers related to disease pathogenesis and drug responses can be evaluated to demonstrate mode of action and efficacy of drug candidates during development.

- Method development and validation: It involves developing and validating sensitive, specific and reproducible bioanalytical methods for target molecules which is a regulatory requirement.

- Bioequivalence/bioavailability testing: These tests are carried out to evaluate therapeutic equivalence of generic drugs, different dosage forms using bioanalytical methods.

Major Techniques Used in Bioanalysis

The most commonly applied technologies in modern bioanalytical laboratories are:

Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS): It has become the gold standard technique due to high sensitivity, selectivity and ability to analyze complex matrices. LC is coupled with tandem quadrupole or ion trap MS for quantification of analytes and metabolites.

Liquid Chromatography (LC): Used for assays where MS detection is not required. HPLC is preferred for separation of polar/ionic analytes while UPLC provides faster run times.

Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS): Applicable for analyzing volatile, thermally-stable compounds and their metabolic byproducts from in vivo or in vitro studies.

Immunoassays: Techniques like ELISA, RIA are used for large molecule drugs/biologics analysis wherever cross-reactivity and specificity is the major concern.

Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR): Used to study biomolecular interactions in drug discovery and development programs.

Services Offered by Leading Bioanalytical Testing Facilities

Bioanalytical method development and validation: It involves protocol optimization, selectivity, accuracy, precision, calibration model, dilution integrity etc.

Pharmacokinetic studies: Involves sample analysis from PK and toxicokinetic studies to determine parameters like Cmax, Tmax, AUC, t1/2 in animals and humans.

Bioavailability/bioequivalence assessment: Evaluates rate and extent of drug absorption from different formulations through BA/BE tests.

Immunogenicity testing: Detect and quantify anti-drug antibodies developed against biological drugs which can impact efficacy.

Biomarker analysis: Quantification of endogenous/exogenous biomolecules through disease and treatment response monitoring.

Stability indicating assays: Standard methods for analysis of stress degraded samples as per ICH guidelines.

Dedicated project management: For planning, executing and reporting preclinical/clinical PK/PD/TK study results on schedule.

Bioanalytical testing plays a critical role in drug development by providing quantitative data to evaluate pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics properties thereby deciding success or failure of candidates in early stages itself. Choosing a GLP compliant, sensitive and experienced CRO is highly recommended by sponsors for obtaining reliable bioanalytical results.



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