Trivalent Chromium Finishing: A Sustainable Alternative

Trivalent Chromium Finishing
Trivalent Chromium Finishing 

Trivalent chromium finishing is emerging as a sustainable alternative to traditional hexavalent chromium finishing processes that are being phased out due to environmental and health concerns. Trivalent chromium finishing produces durable, corrosion resistant coatings while avoiding the use of the more toxic hexavalent chromium.


What is Trivalent Chromium Finishing?

Trivalent chromium finishing, also known as chromium III finishing, involves electroplating or anodizing a part with trivalent chromium (Cr3+) instead of the more toxic hexavalent chromium (Cr6+). Trivalent chromium is the naturally occurring and stable form of chromium that is non-carcinogenic. In a trivalent chromium finishing process, parts are submerged in a proprietary trivalent chromium plating solution where an electrochemical reaction binds the Cr3+ ions to the substrate surface, producing a corrosion resistant chromium coating.

The coating thickness and properties can be customized for a wide variety of applications. Common coating thicknesses range from 2-5 microns for decorative and mild corrosion protection up to 10-15 microns for demanding corrosion and abrasion applications. The chromium plating produces brilliant chrome finishes with excellent mechanical properties, corrosion and abrasion resistance.

Advantages over Hexavalent Chromium Processes

Hexavalent chromium is a known human carcinogen that poses serious health risks to workers. As a result, hexavalent chromium plating is being phased out and replaced with trivalent chromium finishing which offers the following advantages:

Environmental and Worker Safety
- Trivalent Chromium Finishing processes do not use Cr(VI), eliminating the toxic environmental and health hazards posed by hexavalent chromium. Workers are no longer exposed to the carcinogenic mist during plating.

Regulatory Compliance
- Trivalent chromium finishing allows manufacturers to transition to a compliant chrome plating process ahead of tightening environmental regulations against Cr(VI). Many suppliers now only offer trivalent chromium plating.

Superior Corrosion Resistance
- Properly applied trivalent chromium coatings deliver equivalent or better corrosion resistance compared to hexavalent chromium plating on many substrate metals like steel.

Hard, Wear-resistant Coatings
- The chromium coating produces from trivalent plating is extremely hard and abrasion resistant, protecting parts from wear and tear. Coatings as thin as 2-3 microns can provide adequate abrasion protection for many applications.

Applications of Trivalent Chromium Finishing

Thanks to its safe, high-performance capabilities, trivalent chromium finishing is now widely used across many industries for:

- Automotive parts - critical components like brake calipers, brake rotors, axle components benefit from the corrosion protection of trivalent chrome.

- Industrial equipment - valves, pumps, fasteners and other metal components for oil & gas, mining, construction industries.

- Architectural applications - door hardware, bathroom/plumbing fixtures benefit from the decorative and protective qualities.

- Military and aerospace components - demanding applications requiring high corrosion and abrasion resistance turn to trivalent chromium platings.

- Appliance and consumer products - components for washers/dryers, refrigerators, power tools, and more are commonly chrome plated.

Making the Transition to Trivalent Chromium Finishing

Switching from a hexavalent chromium plating line to a trivalent system involves evaluating cathode fixtures, plating racks and making some process parameter adjustments to optimize for the Cr3+ solution. Suppliers like offer turnkey trivalent chromium plating systems tailored for OEM production requirements along with plater training. With proper investment and process controls, manufacturers can qualify a trivalent chromium plating process to meet specifications for even the most demanding applications.

Overall, trivalent chromium finishing is emerging as the sustainable alternative to legacy hexavalent chromium plating. It provides corrosion resistant, mechanically robust chrome platings without harmful health effects - important considerations for a modern, socially responsible manufacturing process. With its performance capabilities and regulatory compliance, trivalent chromium looks poised take over as the standard chrome plating technology of the future.


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