Laxatives Market to grow at 5.31% CAGR through 2031

Laxatives Market to grow at 5.31% CAGR through 2031

Today, with an increasingly hectic lifestyle and a fast-paced work life, most young people working at desk jobs are unable to care for their health. According to our findings, the majority of all nations, regardless of continent, experience the same sort of concerns, and the majority of patients with constipation problems are migrating from older age groups to younger age groups. Our research methodology and market parameters for laxatives are detailed below.

According to the survey, the United States is the leading consumer of such items in North America. According to our research, in 2021, 65 percent of adults in the United States will be using these laxatives for bowel clearing and stomach discomfort. This survey also found that among all types of pharmaceuticals in the United States, OTC drugs are the most often utilized, accounting for around 46 percent in 2021. However, this will be impacted little, and prescription-based medications and natural laxative liquids are likely to increase their total share.

France and Italy have the highest incidences of gas-related disorders in Europe, out of all nations. According to the study, over 30% of the mid-aged population suffers from Chronic Constipation and requires prescription-based medications. According to the survey, individuals use laxatives on a regular basis, with a share of more than 30% depending on the time interval.

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