There are many options available for those who suffer from chronic or recurrent Graft Versus Host Disease (GvHD). Unfortunately, many doctors are unable to distinguish between the two, and therefore prescribe medications in hopes of treating symptoms. If patients take medications for both conditions simultaneously, they often feel better but are not taking the right medications to start with, thus not alleviating their symptoms. This is a mistake that can have deadly consequences. There are many potential causes for this misdiagnosis. A possible cause would be if the doctor fails to look for signs that the patient is experiencing severe discomfort. To make a proper diagnosis, the doctor needs to take into consideration the signs that the patient presents to him or her.
The reason that the donor immune cells might help treat recurrent or chronic GvHD is that the transplanted cells can produce new brain cells. When a person has been diagnosed with chronic GvHD, their doctor may have told them that they will likely never develop another illness. While this might be true, the person should also realize that this does not mean that they are destined to suffer from the symptoms forever. In fact, there are ways of preventing and treating these illnesses.