Gouty arthritis is a form of arthritis caused by uric acid deposits that build up in joints over time. Intense joint inflammation usually occurs as white blood cells engulf uric acid crystals inside the joint tissue, causing extreme pain, swelling, and redness of that joint.
Gouty arthritis is a painful attack of joint inflammation caused by deposits of uric acid deposits in the joint fluids (urea) and cartilage (articular tissue). Severe pain occurs in the joints as white blood cells engulf (humiliate) the uric acid crystal deposits, causing extreme pain, swelling, and redness of both the articular tissues and the joints. This condition is quite common in gout patients who also have rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, or other conditions that cause an overproduction of purines in the body. It occurs most commonly in men, but it can also occur in women, yet the symptoms are not often apparent in these patients.