Dosimeter effectively measure the amount of radiation exposure to the skin by measuring skin plaque levels

Dosimeter effectively measure the amount of radiation exposure to the skin by measuring skin plaque levels

A dosimeter is an instrument that accurately measures the dose intake of external electromagnetic radiation. It is usually worn by the individual being monitored when in use as a health meter and consists of a radioisotope reader that emits beta particles (like those emitted by radioactive material). The amount of beta particles emitted determines the amount of radiation the body has been exposed to.

Radiographers use this meter to measure the amount of radiation exposure to a patient. When using this type of dosimeter, they can monitor a patient's exposure to x-rays to determine how much of their tissue they have been exposed to. This helps the radiologist evaluates the risk of cancer in the areas of concern. This is especially important for nurses, as they must be able to read a patient's radiation exposure history to prevent the spread of cancerous cells.

There are two types of dosimeters that are worn to measure radiation exposure. The first type is the whole body sensor, which is attached to the body to measure the amount of radiation picked up throughout the entire body. The readjustments are done by recording the changes in the amount of radiation absorbed by the sensors. The second type is the wristwatch, which is worn on the arm or the upper part of the wrist.

Although dosimeters were initially only used for the medical field, they are now being widely used by other industries. Manufacturers are making these meters that are suitable for use in the scientific laboratory environment. Some types of scientific instrumentation that may require meters include x-ray machines, chemistry analyzers, and radiation sensors. The wristwatch may be worn by people in various laboratory environments, such as research scientists and independent scientists, in addition to those working in the medical field.

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