Growing inorganic growth strategies are expected to gain traction in the global lupus therapeutic market in the coming years


Saphnelo (anifrolumab-fnia) is the second targeted lupus therapy that has received FDA approval. Saphnelo reduces the activity of the Type 1 Interferon Receptor, which may be important in the disease process. Saphnelo is approved for direct delivery in veins, but many patients with lupus continue to seek additional treatment options. Lupus therapeutics continue to evolve and the FDA remains committed to working with researchers and drug developers to find the right drugs for lupus patients.

A recent study from Pharma Point suggests that there is potential for an increase in available therapeutic options for patients, particularly those that are safe and offer potent clinical benefits. In addition, researchers expect the introduction of seven biological therapies in 2012-2022, changing the competitive landscape and expanding the lupus therapeutic market. It is estimated that these new therapies will help patients manage their disease better and prevent flares from reoccurring.

Recent publications describe the use of novel immunoregulatory DNA sequences to combat autoantibodies. These molecules inhibit the activation of Toll-like receptors and significantly reduce autoantibody production in mice. These drugs are aimed at the autoantigens and cell surface molecules that cause lupus. They have also been shown to reduce proteinuria and increase survival. The emergence of these new therapeutics is an exciting development in the lupus market. Conventional lupus drugs are associated with significant adverse effects, including recurrent infections and cancer. The primary reason is the general immunosuppression caused by the drugs. Patients with lupus may also suffer from unpredictable lupus flares and nonresponders. Nonetheless, the research shows that immunosuppressive medication can effectively relieve kidney inflammation. It may even help prevent blood clots in patients who have lupus. Inorganic growth strategies are expected to gain traction in the global lupus therapeutic market in the coming years. Companies are likely to make use of M&A activities and industrial-academia collaborations to increase their market share and expand their pipelines. Another example of this is GlaxoSmithKline plc's acquisition of Human Genome Sciences to develop a drug called BENLYSTA.

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