Grape Seed Extracts Are Made From Wine Grapes and Have Several Health Benefits Such As Wound Healing and Reducing Swelling

Grape Seed Extracts Are Made From Wine Grapes and Have Several Health Benefits Such As Wound Healing and Reducing Swelling

The grape seed extract is a natural derivative of grape seeds used for many years. The extract has procyclic polyphenols. Procyclic polyphenols are chemical compounds that are composed of more than one hydrogen atom. A procyclic polyphenol isomer can exist in an isomer bond, an alkaloid, an alkaline non-aromatic amine, or an amino acid. Most grapes seeds contain a single procyclic amine, which makes the extract less typical than other natural dietary supplements that contain only a single amine. Grape seed polyphenols are thought to act like antioxidants.

Grape seed extracts are thought to prevent aging by scavenging or neutralizing free radicals. They also reduce inflammation. They may help prevent atherosclerosis by preventing lipid peroxidation, which increases blood flow through the arteries and increases the risk of developing heart disease. One research project suggests that grape seed extract may be useful in treating cerebrovascular conditions, which occur in the brain and spinal cord. One of the principal ingredients of this extract is quercetin, which has proven antioxidant activity.

The grape seed extract is believed to enhance wound healing in human beings. Preliminary studies have shown that it enhances wound healing in up to 60% (vs. non-healing) rates. Anti-oxidants are particularly important in the context of fighting off disease and aging. As individuals age, free radicals become more prevalent in our bodies. Quercetin, one of the main antioxidants in grape seed extract, is believed to scavenge free radicals and protect against oxidative stress, which is a major cause of cellular aging. Thus, by supporting anti-oxidant activity, this extract may improve cellular function and health.

Another group of antioxidants is polyphenols. These antioxidants have a structure much like other naturally occurring antioxidants. Polyphenols can be found in red wine, grapes, blueberries, blackberries, and many other foods. Grape seed extract functions in a similar way. It is believed that the polyphenols in grape seed extract work synergistically with several other dietary supplements, such as lutein, grape seed, and other plant-based compounds called super-antioxidants, to create a highly potent anti-aging treatment.

One of the possible health effects of the polyphenols in grape seed extract that has been studied is the lowering of high blood pressure. It was found that in test subjects taking the supplement, there was a reduction in blood pressure from baseline to the end of the study. This decrease was not seen in the placebo group, nor was it found in those in the exercise group or in those in the control group who did not change their exercise habits at all. While this may not be very significant in the overall scheme of things, it is still an exciting development. Previous research on grape seed extracts has not addressed whether the lowering of high blood pressure can be attributed to any of the antioxidants in grape seed extract.

Grape seed extracts are also thought to be responsible for improving cardiovascular function and reducing the risk of cardiac disease. Another possible benefit from taking grape seed extract comes from its ability to stimulate the production of collagen in the body. Collagen is a protein that supports a healthy connective tissue structure throughout the body. As people age, the body produces less of it, which leads to a loss of flexibility and strength. Grape seed has been shown to increase the production of collagen in laboratory animals.

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