Biohacking refers to biological research carried out in tiny labs by a person or a small group. As a result, biohacking is also known as Do-It-Yourself (DIY) biology. Small-scale biological experiments might be connected to genetic engineering, 3-D printing using light-sensitive bacteria, or a variety of other biological studies. Smart medications, microchips, brain sensors, magnetic fingerprints, RFID implants, bacterial and yeast strains, smart blood pressure monitors, and health trackers are just a few of the devices produced by biohackers to investigate the human body and mind.
What is Biohacking your body?
Biohacking your body is altering your chemistry and physiology using science and self-experimentation in order to boost energy and vitality. It's a broad term, but that's because the notion is always changing.
How is Biohacking done?
Biohacking is a very broad and amorphous term that can cover a wide range of activities, from performing science experiments on yeast or other organisms to tracking your own sleep and diet to changing your own biology by pumping a younger person's blood into your veins in the hope of changing your own biology.
Other biohackers adopt a more technical approach to modifying their own bodies in order to cure defects and become superhuman.
And, as technology for technical biohacking becomes more widely available, do-it-yourself health potential grows increasingly extreme.
Why do individuals desire to tamper with their bodies? Some do it because they don't feel well and want to explore options outside of orthodox treatment to address health difficulties. Others desire to utilize engineering to experiment with new ideas and have complete control over their body. Others do it because they wish to slow down the aging process and live forever.