Antacid medications are crucial medicine used to neutralize acidity in the stomach

Antacids are an important part of many first aids and life support treatments. Most antacids used for acid reflux and heartburn are established to neutralize stomach acids, which can damage the esophageal mucosa, especially if taken for a prolonged period. However, despite this, and other facts, the medical literature continues to describe cases where antacids have actually been shown to increase the rate of new ulcerative colitis.

Antacid prescription medications can also be used to treat acid reflux, but their effect on the symptoms of acid reflux depends upon their dosage and the strength of the drug. Very weak antacid medications can create rebound hyper acid reflux symptoms that can worsen the condition instead of ameliorating it. Stronger acid reflux medications such as H2 blockers can actually prevent the acid reflux that is caused by the excessive production of digestive acid by closing the opening between the stomach and the esophagus. H2 blockers reduce the acid that causes damage to the esophagus and the lining of its lining. The combination of antacids and secondary adverse effects of NSAIDs might make them less desirable than the conventional treatments for acid reflux.

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