Wireless Visual Cortical Stimulator is one of the latest breakthroughs in the field of visual rehabilitation. WVS is a unique form of visual therapy for those suffering from visual impairment or pain. The therapy can be used for many purposes such as:
To help improve or maintain vision, to reduce or eliminate certain symptoms, including, deformation of fluid retention of tearing, toner release, masking o limiting or eliminating headaches, and facial neuralgia
A visual corticobiology unit uses radio frequency (RF) energy that travels through a gel to the visual cortex. By delivering short bursts of RF energy, the device activates the visual pathways in the brain. This process is similar to the results of having a TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) treatment. TENS is often used to treat pain associated with muscular-skeletal conditions, such as tennis elbow, hammer toe, osteoarthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Using Wireless Visual Corticobiology (WVC) provides a non-invasive, painless treatment option for those who are interested in a minimally invasive way to treat the pain... Read more