Epinephrine Regulates Visceral Functions and Aids In Treatment of Anaphylaxis and Cardiac Arrest

 Epinephrine, also referred to as adrenaline, is a key hormone and neurotransmitter that are vitally important in regulating visceral functions throughout the body. It is used for the treatment of several conditions including anaphylaxis, cardiac arrest, and superficial bleeding. Like many other hormones, adrenaline is synthesized by the adrenal gland and by a very small number of nerve cells in the medial part of the medulla oblongata. The release of this neurotransmitter and its subsequent discharge into the bloodstream are critical for normal physiological functions including heart rate and cardiac function. However, despite its vital role in our lives, epinephrine can become overly active, which can result in a variety of health problems.


While much is still not known about epinephrine and its relationship to muscle contraction, much is known about norepinephrine and its relation to epinephrine. Norepinephrine is a powerful hormone, which provides both energy and a strong drive. In the body, the hormone acts as a neurotransmitter that carries out many chemical reactions, including the transmission of impulses to muscle cells. In the brain, norepinephrine can be classified as a stimulant, meaning it increases nerve transmission and activity.

When there is an excess of epinephrine in the bloodstream, or if the amount of epinephrine in the blood drops below a certain level, it can act as a stimulant. It will increase the rate of blood vessel constriction, which increases blood pressure. It will also cause the heart to enlarge and produce more blood. If the person becomes allergic to epinephrine after using the drug, a negative reaction will occur which causes the release of even more epinephrine (sometimes in large amounts) into the bloodstream. This reaction causes yet another surge of blood pressure... Read more

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