Blood Collection Tubes; Used To Collect Samples for the Diagnosis of Blood-Related Disease

 Blood collection tubes are sterilized glass or plastic tubes widely used to collect blood samples, serum samples, and urine samples of the patient for the diagnosis of blood-related disease. EDTA tubes, plasma separation tubes, vacutainer blood collection tubes, serum separating tubes, and sodium heparin blood collection tubes are some of the types of blood collection tubes. These tubes are used in medical processes for the collection of samples to be analyzed for any number of diseases. Blood is drawn into one of many collection tubes such as catheters, venipuncture, or through an artery. These tubes may be connected to special machines for breaking the blood into smaller components necessary for analysis.

In some instances, a plastic tube must be connected to a collection bag. Typically, a two-pronged insert is used in these cases, designed to prevent contamination of the clot activator by drawing blood into contact with the tip of the insert. This is important because the blood does not need to be exposed to the clot activator to become effective. Typically, a light blue plastic disc will appear on the front of this disc when blood is present. If the disc is present, it will turn slightly yellow. If the light blue appears without the presence of blood, then the product is meant for a different patient.

Vacutainer blood collection tubes are used in the field of pediatric care. They are used in the process of drawing out blood from a patient, particularly during the neonatal period and pregnancy. In the first trimester, blood samples are collected from the umbilical cord and placenta, and the amniotic fluid is collected in the mother's womb. In the second trimester, similar blood collection tubes called disposable catheters are used. These tubes are discarded after the collection of a limited amount of blood... Read more

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